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Stacked Wood Pots
Date Posted: 05/30/2014 Kevin Perelman
Paper Pots
Date Posted: 05/22/2014 Kevin Perelman
Teapots and Vortexes
Date Posted: 08/15/2013 Kevin Perelman
Teapot Under Spears
Date Posted: 08/07/2013 Kevin Perelman
Brick Pot
Date Posted: 07/25/2013 Kevin Perelman
Rope Holding Teapot
Date Posted: 06/02/2012 Kevin Perelman
Pot On Glass Balls 2
Date Posted: 04/28/2012 Kevin Perelman
Torus Holding A Teapot
Date Posted: 04/26/2012 Kevin Perelman
Sand And Wood Pots
Date Posted: 04/09/2012 Kevin Perelman
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